Here at Allen’s we are the first to realise that caravans are rapidly becoming the new mobile hub for a whole range of exciting and unique gadgetry. Gone are the days of the war-torn wagon’s we used to call caravans, for in their place are modernised mobile mecca’s more than capable of satisfying our jostling needs for networking and nature.
In this article we’ll explore the dynamic depths of cutting – edge caravanning, as well as peering into the not to distance future to see what else it holds.
We dive straight in at the deep end (or should I say ridiculously lavish) with the…….
This bachelor behemoth of a caravan is by far the most extravagant thing I’ve ever laid eyes upon. Dubbed “a mansion on wheels,” it boasts exquisite interiors of the stainless steel and real wood variety, a top of the range three burner cooker (capable of making your home kitchen cooker a tad jealous) and champagne – coloured interiors of only the finest quality. That’s just for starters. The Paganini’s mind-blowing arsenal of top end “totty” doesn’t come cheap (as you might expect), priced at a wallet munching £33,000! That said, its hefty price tag is more than matched by its mammoth amount of grandiose goodies. View our website for the most contemporary and stylish residential caravan parks in the UK!
“Ahh” the awesome feeling of toasty toes! No this isn’t some strange innovation in coal walking, but the warm welcome of under-floor heating. More than just a comfort, under floor heating also provides a whole heap of other benefits surrounding:
German designers/manufacturers have been experimenting with the idea of living in smaller spaces. The Buffalino is what they came up with. Fulfilling the wishes of every caravan connoisseur and eco enthusiast, the three wheeled ex Piaggio APE 50 (yeah I’ve never heard of it either) looks to revolutionise mobile living forever. Eco and ethically driven, it looks to accommodate a more simplified way of life. Housing all the standard utilities that you’d come to expect from a caravan but in a more condensed and greener form. For more information on its development click here.
With app’s infiltrating almost every corner of our lives it will come as little surprise that the caravanning world has also jumped on the bandwagon. In a bid keeps us more “appy” European manufacturer Knaus Tabbert devised the concept of a yacht-inspired mega caravan! Not quite at the level of an “Autobot” (transformers) but impressive nonetheless, the Caravisio has a futuristic array of design features:
For more information regarding the Caravisio click here.
With technology improving on a daily basis it was only natural that the humble caravan would be towed into the future. The possibilities appear seemingly endless with!
The classic caravan holiday is a summer thing – warm days and balmy nights by the seasid...
Staying Warm on Winter Caravan Holidays