Nothing is more relieving and relaxing than a weekend away from the stresses and strains of city life. As many caravanners can tell you however, after some time spent in a clubhouse or games room you may want to explore other areas outside your chosen caravan park. Luckily there’s a range of fantastic websites available which offer a plethora of offers for activities across the country, so here’s some of the best ones to consider for any last minute caravan holidays:
On there are two searchable options which prove extremely beneficial to couples, singletons or those on family caravan holidays. First, there’s the theatre option, which displays an extensive list of all the discounts available for shows and other attractions in a number of big cities, including Bath, Birmingham and of course, London. This can be useful for planning evenings out into the city if your caravan park is located on the outskirts of a major city. There’s also the option to search for local spa deals available across the UK, including full days and individual treatments, which are perfect for creating a memorable romantic getaway for you and your partner.
This website is brilliant for purchasing vouchers which are valid for all sorts of local deals, from restaurants, photo-shoots and a range of outdoor activities. Searchable by region, you’re guaranteed to find a local deal, from a burger and a beer for less than a tenner to a hovercraft driving experience for two. Groupon is the equivalent of a lucky dip when it comes to local attractions as you never know what you’re going to get, which is great for those with a daring side, who are looking to try new things and experiences whilst on a budget.
Tripadvisor isn’t just for those looking for hotel getaways, as it provides a wealth of local knowledge that any caravanner will benefit from. Simply type in your nearest city or town and Tripadvisor will display a list of local tourist sites and restaurants, which will all have a star rating to indicate their popularity amongst users. By browsing through reviews and seeing what your nearest hotspot has to offer, you’re guaranteed to visit the best destinations possible in which you can explore the local culture, food and the community.
Extensive and in-depth, hosts a range of entertainment specials for low prices, including three course meals, hot air balloon rides and local theatre discounts. It also hosts a wide variety of train and boat trip offers, perfect for travelling to a nearby popular destination like the Lake District without having to worry about taking your car and getting lost.
The classic caravan holiday is a summer thing – warm days and balmy nights by the seasid...
Staying Warm on Winter Caravan Holidays