Keeping Your Caravan Warm in Winter | News | Allens

The winter weather can be cold, harsh, and unforgiving, so it’s important to ensure that your caravan is kept as warm as possible when the winter season arrives. Knowing how to keep a static caravan warm in winter can be a challenge, but modern static caravans offer plenty of opportunities to help keep the warmth in even on the chilliest days of the year.

Caravan parks offer you the opportunity to stay in a comfy, close-knit community, giving you a warm feeling along with a sense of security. However, your caravan might not feel the same; the last thing you want is for the inside of your caravan to feel like the Arctic Circle! You want to remain comfortable, warm and relaxed when living in a static caravan in winter, and there are many ways to make sure that your caravan stays warm this winter.

Fit a Fireplace

This suggestion might sound as though you would need to complete a full remodel, but that’s not strictly the case. Adding an electric fireplace could warm up your entire caravan in minutes, and quite safely, too.

Many people imagine themselves sitting in front of a roaring fire during the bitter, cold, winter nights and it can become a reality, even in your caravan. Wall-mounted electric fireplaces aren’t an expensive option. They can add to your décor, are perfectly easy to fit and they will ensure that you stay warm throughout the cold months ahead.

Invest in a Free-Standing Heater

If you have no room for a fireplace, you can purchase a free-standing fire or heater. They are simple and straightforward to use and can generate sufficient heat to keep the entire caravan warm.

Free-standing heaters are also portable and can easily be moved into a different room or area of the caravan to ensure the entire space stays cosy and comfortable. This winter, ensure that you feel warm whatever you are doing with the simple addition of a free-standing heater.

Prevent the Heat from Escaping

It can be incredibly easy to warm your caravan up but keeping the hot air in, however, can sometimes prove more difficult. During the summer months, you could leave the windows and doors open without a care in the world but now that the sun has disappeared for a while, it’s best to keep them closed.

Keeping your static caravan warm in winter starts with something as simple as ensuring windows and doors remain firmly closed. This can help to trap in the warm air, so ensure that all the window and door seals are intact. Additionally, draught excluders can make a sensible addition to prevent cold air from whistling in, while also adding a lovely homely touch to your caravan’s décor.

You could also consider adding some thick curtains for extra protection against the cold but remember that it’s still important to open your curtains during daylight hours. If the weather is cold and gloomy, it can be tempting to keep them closed, but this can cause issues with condensation so it’s always best to open them during the day.

How to Keep Your Caravan Warm at Night

In order to keep your caravan warm at night, you should also make sure that you have some warm winter bedding to keep you snug and cosy at night. Invest in a thick quilt and some thermal blankets for layering during the night – remember that it’s always better to be overprepared than underprepared when it comes to keeping warm! For those particularly chilly evenings, a pair of thick socks and a hot water bottle or microwavable bean bag should help to ensure you remain comfortable and ready for a great night’s sleep.

It’s not difficult to keep your static caravan warm as long as you are properly prepared and ready to make the most of the winter weather. As the winter season approaches, take the opportunity to transform your caravan into a haven against the cold weather, providing the perfect base from which to explore the surrounding area in all its seasonal, frosty beauty. Using your caravan in winter provides a whole host of exciting opportunities, so it’s important to prepare for warm and cool weather alike.

Keeping Yourself Warm This Winter

For permanent residents in our residential park homes, it is important to ensure that you have a sufficient amount of fuel for the winter months. The last thing that you want is to run out of supply and to literally be left in the cold.

Wrap Up Warm

In the unfortunate event that you do run out of fuel, or you find yourself without energy for whatever reason, ensure that you have warm clothes nearby at all times. In fact, wearing a jumper to keep warm, rather than constantly relying on fuel to heat up your home, will help to conserve energy when you most need it.

It goes without saying, especially for our more senior residents, but it is vitally important to remember to wrap up warm when heading out. Illnesses can get significantly worse as a result of cold weather, and those aged 60 and over are most at risk.

Only Make Essential Journeys

During the winter months, conditions will be difficult to travel in, especially as roads turn to ice. Only make journeys that are essential when this is the case, as well as in a thick fog, as the risks of an accident on the road are greatly increased.

Public transport systems also take regular hits over these months with various services being cancelled as a result of poor weather. If you are reliant on public transport to travel to and from our residential park homes, then make sure to check in advance.

The Benefits of Our Residential Park Homes

Compared to houses that may require consistent heating around the clock to keep a large space at optimum temperature, nowhere near as much energy is required to keep our residential park homes warm in winter. This means that you, the resident, can make big savings on your energy costs during the winter months.

Lighting Your Caravan

In addition to keeping your caravan warm, you’ll also want to keep it well-lit. Whilst nothing quite matches the ambience of a campfire, here are some ‘campfire’ substitutes that are great if you are concerned about safety, or if your particular park doesn’t allow for open flames. Not only are they equally satisfying in terms of winter comfort, but they also work as a long-term, all-season solution when night finally settles.

Portable Fire Pit

If you are after heat on a chilly evening, portable fire pits can be a great option. Many come with a lid to keep the roaring flames under control, and there are lots of styles and designs available too. They are also reasonably priced, making them the perfect option for those on a budget.

LED Lighting

If, however, you favour light over temperature, LED lighting is a great way to go. You can pop a strip of LED lighting inside a couple of clean jars for a lovely glow. You could also get creative by decorating and painting the jars. This will make them personal and promise a colourful display of light.

You can either re-use empty jars or purchase some decorative ones from a craft shop. This alternative is cheap and cheerful, as well as being something everyone can share and enjoy.


Last but certainly not least, camping lanterns are great if you are looking to illuminate your pitch. All you need is a couple of lanterns to make your holiday home exterior feel inviting and cosy. Lanterns are also great if you fancy a late-night stroll around the site, and can help to save on energy inside the home too. They are fairly cheap and can be picked up at almost any camping store.

If you would like more information on Allens Caravans’ residential park homes or winter holidays at our parks, please contact our team today on 01564 792323 or message us via our contact page.

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