As pleasant and tranquil as the caravan life may be, there is one issue that some residents often find themselves having to manage – birds on top of the caravan’s roof. You might not initially think this to be a major problem until it comes to having to clean up after them.
Thankfully, deterring birds from landing on your roof is relatively simple and doesn’t have to cost a lot. From placing a silhouette of a hawk to ultrasonic bird repellents, there are several ways how to stop birds landing on your caravan roof. The Allens Caravan team is on hand to lend you some handy advice for how to deal with the problem.
One method of keeping birds away from your caravan that we have come across from is to cut out a silhouette of a hawk (or any other type of predatory bird) and place it on top of your roof. This can be made from black vinyl – simply trace a hawk onto the material, cut it out and stick it to the roof of your caravan.
Birds such as pigeons and seagulls will instinctively keep away from your abode as they will not want anything to do with a hawk. This is a tactic that is used by many and that yields fantastic results, meaning you will not have to get up onto the roof to clean up any mess the birds leave behind – understandably, not being anyone’s idea of a fun way to spend an afternoon.
If you prefer not to cut out your deterrent, you can purchase plastic owl replicas that can sit on top of the roof of your caravan. Many homeowners make use of these decoys in garden spaces to deter pigeons and other birds from making a mess. Purchasing one certainly won’t break the bank. They are available in and around £10 and will make a huge difference.
In case an owl doesn’t quite do it for you, other types of predatory birds you can get decoys of include hawks and falcons. Models are best if they are life-size replicas, making for the most realistic decoy ensuring that no bird will want to tread anywhere near your property.
Bird spikes are a method of deterring birds considered to be pretty much 100% effective. They are designed to deter birds by eliminating any space for them to settle down – you will often see spikes installed on top of lamp posts, signs, awnings, statues and many flat surfaces to control birds. Bird spikes can be installed onto pretty much any surface, as per the versatility of the product, and are also relatively simple to install, meaning you wouldn’t have to rely on someone to fit them for you.
The different ways of fixing bird spikes into place include adhesives, screws, nails and mounting on a removable surface (such as plywood) if you do not want the deterrent fixed permanently. Once installed, the spikes are not especially visible, so you need not worry about any negative effects on the aesthetics of your caravan if this is an issue for you.
Reflective tape probably won’t be anyone’s first thought when it comes to pest control, but it makes for a quick and simple solution that will effectively keep birds away from your caravan. By hanging strips on your roof, the tape will work to scare away birds (and other unwanted pests) due to the sound of it blowing in the wind and the flickering of light bouncing off the reflective surface. This is an ideal solution for anyone that wants to avoid harming animals in any way, as well as looking for a deterrent that can quickly be removed for any reason.
The tape can either be fixed onto upright poles on top of the roof, so as it runs across the width of the caravan, or simply fastened at one end for it to hand along the side of the property. How you choose to install the tape is completely up to you.
A popular choice of deterrent used by commercial buildings is a predator balloon, which is simply a helium balloon that hangs above the property that dupes birds into thinking a predatory bird is hunting in the area. This method of bird control is most effective in the summer when the climate is warmer and you might want to consider a back-up option during the winter when temperatures are colder and there is a high chance of wind as this could hamper with the deterrent.
Heavy-duty options are available which will fly in winds of up to 25mph, ascending to heights of 200 feet and protect roughly 20 acres. Of course, this might be more than a little overkill for the sake of a park home.
Our final solution is an ultrasonic deterrent that can sit on top of your caravan’s roof and, as soon as movement is detected, will let out a sharp ultrasonic sound to repel birds away. Solar-powered versions are also available, meaning you shouldn’t have to worry about its power source, which also makes this an environmentally friendly way of managing your caravan’s pest control.
Some work better than others, so we recommend reading the reviews of any product before purchase to avoid disappointment. A good model will cost in the region of around £200 which may sound like a lot at first, but it will ensure that your caravan’s roof remains clear of birds and all that they bring with them.
If you would like some more information on how to stop birds landing on your caravan roof or anything else regarding the parks home on any of our residential parks, please get in touch with a member of the Allens Caravans team today.
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